Lately we have seen countless forms of 'Black Lives Matters' protests, postings and demonstrations in sports, social media and across society.
I want to remind you that Integrity Matters. Integrity is a personal choice that cannot be forced on a person or on a society.
Regardless of skin color, social background, gender, political beliefs, exhibiting the most basic form of integrity is showing morals and values. Be honest and truthful when you are asked a question. Keep it '100'. Do not deceive or trick people with your choice of words. Do not use harmful words that may incite negative reactions. We can disagree and not feel the need to disrespect each other. We are different, each and everyone of us, but Integrity is universal. The definition doesn't change: Integrity implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. The state of being whole and undivided. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Internal consistency or lack of corruption.
Being on the side of religion, for example, means you are in opposition of sin, but still holding to moral behavior, and speech. Hate speech does not hold up to the definition of Integrity. Honesty doesn't lie. Morality isn't corrupt. Integrity doesn't attempt to deceive.
Looking into a mirror, is your reflection one of integrity? Or do you see things about yourself that need improvement to correct your personal moral image. Take the necessary time today to reflect integrity and change your future image.